德國wolfgang warmbier esd抗靜電測試套裝
ESD audit kit standard (with Metriso 3000)
ESD- audit kit包括根據IEC 61340-5-1進行ESD審核和ESD控制元件驗證所需的儀器和設備。
·測試地板系統根據IEC 61340-4-1和IEC 61340-4-5
·測試椅,工作站,貨架,運輸車輛和自動化處理設備根據IEC 61340-2-3
·檢測包裝材料根據IEC 61340-2-3
·測試服裝的點對點電阻根據IEC 61340-4-9
·評估離子發生器根據IEC 61340-4-7
·7110.600 Aluminium case 鋁箱
·7100.3000.G* High resistance meter Metriso 3000 with connecting cables 數字高電阻測量儀
·7100.3000.TF digital Thermo-Hygrometer Metriso 3000 溫濕度傳感器
·7220.45 Handheld probe model 45 手持探頭
·7220.840* Two-Point-Probe model 840 (mini Probe)點對點探頭
·7220.880* Concentric ring probe model 880環形探頭
·7100.SRM110* Surface Resistance meter SRM 110 表面電阻測量儀
·7100.EFM51.CPS* Electrostatic Field Meter EFM51 with charged plate set 場強測量儀
·7220.850 Probe Model 850 (2 probes) 850型探頭
·2200.110 Grounding plug 接地插頭
·7110.E8 8-socket grounding box 8接口接地箱
·7100.2000.TR50 Cable reel, 50 m 電纜線
·7100.PGT100.102 Metal plate 400 x 3000 x 2 mm including 10 mm banana plug adapter 金屬墊
·7220.880.6 Insulative plate 120 x 120 x 6 mm (2 pcs.) 絕緣墊
·7220.880.9 Probe made of stainless steel ? 120 mm 不銹鋼探頭
·7100.EFM51. MK51 high voltage head for Walking Test 高壓測量頭
·7100.WT5000.ML cable for connecting hand-held probe with MK51連接線
·7220.880.L Guard cord, blue, 1,5 m藍色保護線